Today's (July 16) run was quite eventful and painful.  We ran from hell's hollow, and pretty much weren't doing much but skipping rocks and making bridges accross the river out of rocks.  It wasreally fun though. Eventually, there was a point where i was really far ahead of everyone trying to cross the river, and i slipped on a large rock and my full bodyweight landed right on the bone in my left thigh, and that hurt really bad.  I had to limp up 260 stairs and close to a half mile back to our cars.  After sitting around for awhile, i determined it wasn't fractured and just badly bruised, since if i put pressure on it i wasable to walk on it, which is a quality of bruising.  After we drove home, i only had 1.8 miles in, and i needed five, so i sucked it up and forced myself to run the rest.  I didn't leave veterans park and i was really hurtingmy leg.  Eventually though, it just swelled up and the added pressure just made it go numb and the pain went away.  Since I'm writing this a day late, I can officially say its not fractured since the run im about to post for today above here it didn't hurt at all, it was just slightly sore/numb.  Looking back on it, it felt like slamming into a corner of something really hard with your elbow and hitting your funny bone, only so hard that the strange feeling lasts a longer time, and in your leg.