Ourfirst run this morning was really easy, we went to the Perry YMCA to run the old around the old Districts course. about a mile and a half in we were at the bottom of a monster hill and we stopped to skip rocks for like 10 minutes which was really fun.  I think im really getting better at hills, cuz when we started to go up the really long hill ben and i jokingly sprinted for half of it, only to realize it was taller than we thought, but other than my breathing (which really doesn't matter cuz everyone sucks wind on hills) i felt really mentalls strong and i powered through it.  We kept running around and it was nice to bring back memories of freshman year the the junior high 2 mile course that was also held here.  Eventually we went back down to the skipping rocks area and went out onto this island thing, then tried to scale a cliff, then up the giant hill again and i still felt great.  It was a nice run, exacly 5 miles on my watch.

Our second run we met at veterans park at night.  We did the marsh loop +the extention, which is about 8 miles.  John Distler was there which was nice cuz he always keeps the mood of the run a good, relaxed, and humorous enviornment.  Me and ben talked to himabout all sorts of stuff it was cool.  The extention and the regular woods part was realllyy dark at places cuz it was almost sundown, which only added to the fun!  Another good run.